Wednesday 15 September 2010

So it begins....

After several months of decision-making, heart-searching, and wading through the many pages of the TDA website, I found a Return to Teaching course at Roehampton University.

Oddly enough, this was an institution to which I had applied when choosing somewhere to study for my first degree.  In fact, I had been offered a place there!  I am not superstitious, but it seemed like some kind of good omen.

I started there last week, and am finding the journey the most 'trying' aspect of the course.  Yes, I should have known!  However, the course is proving interesting and motivating, although it is making me feel very old.

I have a placement at a local school, obtained by me rather than being organised by the University.  This afternoon I am popping in to see the Head of English, who I hope will be my mentor.  Usual mixed feelings about placements - excited but scared at the same time!