Thursday 21 October 2010

Half-Term....and the Osborne Effect

I have been into my placement school to do some observation this week.  Of course, because half-term is upon us, it is a week of 'finishing stuff', and this led to the teachers apologising for dull or 'messy' lessons.  Really, there was no need!

I saw some very engaged pupils in the 'lower school' (some a bit fidgetty, but what else is new?) and some rather un-engaged 'Sixth Form' pupils, which I found unexpected and rather extraordinary.  I was thinking about it, and perhaps the national obsession with going on to Higher Education is responsible.  Young people who would by inclination be at work are engaged in A level study - to what end?

If places at Universities are reduced, what will this mean for the size of a sixth form, or the courses studied therein?  I fervently hope that it will result in an increase in the number of vocational courses being offered, and perhaps more realistic targets and expectations.

An A* is only worth anything when it is a rarity.....

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