Tuesday 25 January 2011

I'm an applicant - get me out of here!

Oh my...., and gahhhhhhhhh!

Suddenly there seem to be lots of jobs to apply for, each and every single one wants my soul cut up into small pieces of information.

I hate application forms - they seem to nag at me like an Inquisitor.  If the boxes are too large, I feel I should fill them edge to edge and top to bottom.  If they are too small, I am obviously too expansive, too large, too OLD!  They take HOURS, even if I cut and paste - especially if I cut and paste.

The fact that I can access several LEAs works against me.  Each wants its own branded application form.  They are identical, or nearly identical, but not quite.  Different in small ways to catch out the recalcitrant cut and pasters like me - who are evidently supposed to enjoy retyping that almost-identical information as some sort of Herculean test of strength and endurance.

Next comes the personal statement - how can I fit my skillset square peg into the job-shaped round hole? Hammer it home with some well-turned phrases and explicit attention-drawing?  I could do with using arrows, highlighter and a laser-pointer.......

All this pales into insignificance beside the torment that is the interview - but I shall think about that another day.......

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